Thursday, July 4, 2013

Blog 7

This week readings were not only hard for me to read, but it was painful.  I was able to fill their pain as I read about each section in Chapter 21.  Somehow, I wished I could have been there to help the sick with their farms or animals during the Plague.  I know that it might have been a big chance that I would have died too, but living in this century, we don’t think of dying when trying to help someone.

Lot of us get up in the morning and we either hate to get up to go to work, or feel tired of going to work.  When you really look at the situation, we are fortunate to have a regular job.  Some of us might have larger problems then others, but some of the problems you can simply solved yourself by either disassociating yourself with that person, by saving your money and not spending beyond your means, and by paying off debt.  These people seemed to me that they were always fighting for their for food, let alone for their lives. 

Perhaps there are some that don’t make enough money to purchase groceries, but there are ways to eat without having a lot of money.  Like when you purchase a meal that is premade, what you could have purchased with that is 2 days of food, which you have to cook yourself. 

When I read the part of the Holocaust I thought I was going to read more in detailed about what Hitler did to the Jews, but I was a bit disappointed that that was not in there.  I wanted to get more information from someone else perspective, I guess. What really surprised me about the details of Hitler was I always thought he targeted only the Jews.  I didn’t know he also like homosexual, handicaps and Jehovah Witnesses.  If that is the case, while aren’t things being said about those groups.  If they are, then I must not have paid attention to that in my other history classes.  In one of my psychology classes I read that Hitler was angry because had some sexual dysfunction.  Well with his charismatic personality you would think he had lots of women right, but why did he never produce a child.  I think there is some truth in his sexual dysfunction would you say.

Going back on Hitler and the Nazis caption, I never really heard what accomplished.  But after reading Chapter 21, I almost felt for him, but then I said, “if someone does something good in their lives, does it overcome the horrible things they did not?”  Well in Hitler case, I can’t image what he did should be overlooked over what he did do for his country. 

In conclusion, what I would like to say, is why are there so many wars.  One war after the other.  Killing and killings of people.  Why can’t this world get along.  I know we are all different, and we all look different and have different features, but then that’s what makes this world exciting.  Otherwise, it would be to boring if we all looked alike.  There needs to be a class  in elementary that teaches young children how to get alone with all races. 

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